After you have synced your repos to Probo, you need to create a .probo.yaml configuration file. This file tells Probo how to configure and build your test environments.

Create a .probo.yaml File

In a new branch, create a .probo.yaml file in the root of your codebase. The .probo.yaml file is split into a section for declaring Assets, a section for defining Steps, and any environment configuration options.


  - mydb.sql.gz

Assets are any files you want available to your Probo environments that are not found within your repository. For example, a database is an important asset for many web applications. These assets must be uploaded to Probo before they can be used in a build. See the Assets section for details on uploading assets and adding them to the configuration file.


  - name: Say Hello
    plugin: Shell
    command: echo 'Hello, World!'

You can task Probo to run any number of build steps to successfully create testing environments. Each step you define will get a status update sent to the Probo app as well as your chosen version control software. See the Build Steps section for details on adding steps to the .probo.yaml file.

Create a Pull Request

Create a pull request for the branch that includes the .probo.yaml file. You should see the steps in your .probo.yaml file building both on your pull request and in the Probo app. If all your steps pass, you can view the build and begin testing. If a step fails, look at the details in the Probo app for the full console output to begin troubleshooting.

Iterate for a Successful Build

If your build fails, check the output in the Probo app to help you diagnose what went wrong. Adjust your .probo.yaml to correct any errors, or contact us for support. Whenever you commit a change to a branch with an open pull request, a new build will be created. Repeat the process until all steps have passed and your build is successful.

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