Configuration examples are pre-written .probo.yaml
configuration files you can use and amend to suit your particular needs. If you’ve written a rather clever and/or useful configuration file, consider contributing it on GitHub. The Probo docs are open source, and pull requests are welcome!
- Drupal with Registry Rebuild
- Drupal with Registry Rebuild (Non Bootstrap)
- Using the Settings Options
- Updating Composer for Drupal 8 in the Probo Drupal Plugin
- Using the Drupal plugin
- Using Probo and Jekyll
- Setting LAMPApp PHP Configuration Options
- Setting LAMPApp PHP Configuration Options on a Drupal Installation
- Setting LAMP Varnish Configuration Options
- Using the LAMPApp Plugin for a PHP/MySQL Based Application
- Getting a database for a Drupal site hosted on Pantheon
- Posting Probo links to Jira
- Developing on a site with a database
- Using the Script plugin
- Colored log output
- Import a database and run tests using shell
- Using the Shell plugin
- Update the Node Version
- Using the WordPress Plugin