Build steps are the commands run to build a Probo environment and run any additional tests in that environment. Steps are identified by their name and a plugin declaration, and each step can have one or many parameters.


  - name: Say Hello

A step’s name should provide context for the actions being performed. Each step appears in build status interfaces on the pull request and the Probo app.


  - name: Say Hello
    plugin: Shell

Each step also has a plugin. When you define a plugin for the step, you get access to that plugin’s set of build parameters.

The default plugin is Shell. You can use multiple plugins in your configuration file, but you must declare the plugin used for each step before its parameters. Plugin names are case sensitive. For example this means that shell will not work.


  - name: Say Hello
    plugin: Shell
    command: echo 'Hello, World!'

These are the actual commands that are run to build your environments. The Shell plugin provides the default command parameter that can be used to run bash commands. Depending on the plugin you specify for your build step, you will have access to various other parameters. You may only declare a parameter once per step.

See the Plugins section for a list of available plugins and their parameters.

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